In this post, we will teach you how to read a water meter and explore the different ways volumes are displayed on various types of meters.

There are different models of water meters available in the market, as mentioned in previous posts, each of which may represent consumption in a unique way. Here, we will discuss readings from mechanical dial meters, digital water meters, and smart water meters with mobile app integrations.

Reading a Mechanical Dial Water Meter

Water meters with mechanical dials use numerical rollers to indicate the total water volume consumed.

The volume is displayed in cubic meters (m³). These meters provide two phases of reading:

The first phase is located on the upper part of the meter and consists of a numerical drum with several rollers. For example, the Atlantis model shown in the image has black rollers for whole cubic meters and red rollers for decimals.

In the lower part, you will find circular graduated scales with needles that complete the reading.

In the example image, the meter reading is 582.3651 m³.

Water Meter Reading

Reading a Digital Water Meter

Meters with digital displays make it easy to read water consumption. The numeric display not only shows the total volume of water consumed but also provides additional information such as alarms or the water flow direction.

Water consumption is displayed in m³ and includes both whole numbers and decimals. Below are examples of the display on the Nautilus and Centinel meters by Hidroconta.

Water Meter Reading

Reading a Water Meter with Communication Features

Nowadays, some meters allow data visualization through mobile apps. These smart water meters are part of the Internet of Things (IoT).

With these apps, you can view real-time consumption, compare usage between months or periods, and set alerts to notify you of unusual consumption, such as internal leaks in a home. At Hidroconta, we have developed the Hidroconta Metering app with an intuitive interface designed for end users.

All the meters mentioned above can be integrated into the IoT by adding an external communication module, such as Hidroconta’s IRIS module.

Water Meter Reading

The Importance of Regular Water Meter Readings

Performing regular water meter readings is essential for efficient water consumption management at home or in any facility. By tracking readings regularly, you can not only identify consumption patterns to better manage resource use but also detect anomalies or leaks early.

Tips for Reading a Water Meter

To read a water meter effectively, follow these tips:

1. Ensure you have a flashlight or a bright light handy to see the meter clearly.

2. Locate the water meter. It may be outside your home, in the basement, or in a cabinet under the sink.

3. Understand the purpose of each wheel and mark on the meter. Some meters have separate wheels for cold and hot water, while others measure both types with a single wheel.

4. Record the numbers you see on each wheel. If there are multiple wheels, make sure to note each number.

5. Compare your current reading with the previous one. Calculate total water consumption by subtracting the previous reading from the current one.

It’s important to keep a record of your water meter readings to monitor water use and detect potential problems or leaks in your home. If you haven’t already, consider incorporating these practices into your routine to promote more sustainable water use.